Cat's Blog — exhibition
Emerald Library exhibition
aussie aussie birds australiana crimson rosella currawong eastern rosella emerald library exhibition gouldian finch hahnemuhle image science lorikeet rosella wattle

Just got some prints done by the champions at @imagescience for my little show at Emerald Library this month. Here are my Aussie fauna and flora prints. Printed on Hahnemühle Photo Rag. I’ll be hanging the prints on Tuesday the 18th so pop in after that. They’ll be up for a couple of months!
$50 prints 2-colour prints A3 prints exhibition hearts jacky winter lamington drive opening night risographica risographica 2 the jacky winter group vision australia

Following the incredibly successful Risographica exhibition in 2010, Lamington Drive is proud to present the sequel! 37 of Jacky Winter’s artists have created A3 limited edition 2-colour prints, with each edition available for sale for $50! In addition to this very reasonable price, a percentage from each sale will be donated to Vision Australia. Come to the launch TONIGHT! 6-9pm @ Lamington Drive. 15-25 Keele St, Collingwood. I’ll be there! Come and say hello! Here’s a preview of my print: And check out the poster! If you’re unable to come to the opening tonight, never fear! The show will be...
Sam Martin. You need to know this artist!
annie macinnes arc one arc one gallery artist artists exhibition local artists melbourne artist oil paintings opening night painter paintings sam martin

Just wanted to say what an amazing artist Sam Martin is. Went to the opening of his latest show ‘Crystalise Borders‘ on Saturday. Sold all paintings bar 2 on opening night. The last 2 might be sold by now as the rest lasted about the 1st 4 seconds! He is also my sister‘s beau and very very cool! Show on until 23 June, 2012.
In the Newspapers of Korea
andrea innocent exhibition innocent girl joongang korean national bag dress south korea story of a secret state symphonic pixels

I had some work in the Story of a Secret State exhibition and one of my pieces was featured on the cover of Joong-Ang Newspaper, South Korea! The featured piece is about feeling isolated in society. Click here to view the full article (in Korean) and here to see my artwork from the show. And here’s a picture from the exhibition. To the right of my artwork is the amazing Korean National Plastic Bag Dress by Andrea Innocent of Innocent Girl.
Show in Sydney
animal collective nouns deer exhibition gaffa gallery parcel of deer sydney

Anyone in Sydney next week? Check out this show. I’ve got some work in it!